About Amplify

Amplify is a public art and design initiative that partners an artist or designer with a non-profit organization working on the front lines of social justice to create thought-provoking posters on themes relevant to each organization.
Organized by Make Art with Purpose (MAP) and Worldstudio, AMPL!FY took place in New York City from 2017 through 2019. The project was produced in partnership with New York City Department of Transportation’s Art Program, Museum of Arts and Design and Harlem Stage. The posters were showcased on New York City Department of Transportation’s Art Program’s, as well as in an exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Design. In addition to streetscape installations and museum exhibition, AMPL!FLY included public programs to advance the project themes and to support the work of partnering non-profits.
We believe in an equitable, just and prosperous world for all people and promote these values by helping to sustain and support the mission of organizations working on social justice issues. These organizations often play a key role in protecting people’s inherent dignity, helping the underserved to achieve their full potential and practice uninhibited expression of their rights. The work of these organizations is circuitous, challenging and frequently lacks visibility. Typically, these organizations do not have the financial capacity to communicate their work beyond their core supporters.
In a time of heightened political and social tension, Amplify was founded to amplify the issues addressed by non-profit organizations with missions that support the evolution of humanity as a whole.
Janeil Engelstad, Make Art with Purpose
Mark Randall, Worldstudio
Massimo Iacoboni
Production Team
Olga Geletina
Matthew Horton
Lisa Mastroserio
Angelica del Rocio Dios Jaramillo
Tom Koken
Project Support
Andrea Pellegrino
Additional Support
The New School
Harvard University
Exposure NY
Embrey Family Foundation
Museum of Art and Design
Exhibition included educational programming for youth and a dance performance choreographed by Kyle Marshall.

Gouverneur Lane and Water Street
Installation included a launch event with participating non-profits and a workshop for Blue School students.

125 Street and Malcolm X Boulevard
Installation included a performance by Marching Cobras followed by a procession to Revolution Books where Morehshin Allahyari, Rafael Esquer and Dread Scott spoke about the importance of art, design, and social justice.

Founded on the belief that artists and designers have the knowledge and skills to make positive, lasting environmental and social change, MAP exists to make a constructive contribution to education, social justice, climate change, immigration and other critical issues that are shaping the world.
We believe that creativity holds enormous power to spark positive social change. Thru Design Ignites Change – a Worldstudio social initiative – we support creative professionals and students who use design thinking – the combination of unleashed creativity and executable actions – to improve the lives of individuals and communities.